Sex hacks, how to satisfy your wife in marriage... "'Strictly men' bootcamp will teach you more about your wife's body" - Arinola Adebayo
"His penis is too small", "he doesn't satisfy me in bed", "he comes too early." These are some of the real complaints from dissatisfied women in their marriage.
Asides providing for the family, a man must also provide for the sexual needs of his spouse. This is the bane of several misunderstandings in the home and women rather keep mute than express their frustration which is often misjudged as promiscuity. Just as a man desires sexual satisfaction, so does the woman require satisfaction sexually.
The menfolk need to understand the woman's body and know how to maneuver it to please the woman sexually too.
Paying proper 'attention to nature' is quite important and here is a sex hack as shared by Arinola Adebayo (sex therapist), the founder and team lead of Marriage Sparkles Konsult (MSK).
('Ride Like A Horse' bootcamp flyer)
This sex hack will help you gradually over time add some width and inches to your penis size.
1 medium sized red onion
3 or 4 pieces of garlic
A dash of ginger.
Method : Blend all ingredients together with water and strain.(you can drink unfiltered too if you want)
Add 1-2 tablespoon of honey to the juice and drink.
Make this your night drink and stay consistent. Share your feedback overtime.
Taking this can also be combined with penis massage for quick results.
Asides this drink's potency in boosting penis size, it has great antioxidative qualities and can also help with detox. It is packed with healthy goodness
Arinola Adebayo will take participants of the STRICTLY MEN BOOTCAMP in SEX as a subject. She will deal with myths , sex personality types, science of sex, male pyschology of sex, female sexual anatomy amongst several topics in our bootcamp curriculum
Arinola Adebayo
(Sex Therapist & team lead for MSK)
Arinola and and other speakers will also be sharing other SEX HACKS for bliss with participants as male participants will learn
*how to properly suck a woman,
*breast massage,
*penis massage
*yoni massage etc.
Early bird registration attracts discount. Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
See attached flier for details.
Group discount is available.
Please share this info with all the men in your circle.