"He touched me, they expelled me"- How men suffer in silence when there's no proof

 I heaved a sigh of relief when the news broke that the unizik girl who assaulted the lecturer was expelled.

This was a rare victory for a man, and tellingly, the video really helped the lecturer.

After watching the tape and reading the girl's position, I just shook my head
He tried to touch my breast area, and he grabbed my phone, I didn't know who he was, and his students came at me with weapons, I was afraid and fought for my life-she narrated in a shameless narrative aimed at hanging an innocent man. 

Read more here:

This is what men go through in things like this. Imagine if the tape didn't exist, that man would be in jail now with his life in ruins
We will continue to have these problems in society if we continue to look at these kinds of things from the prism that men are always the aggressors and women are always the victims

Imagine obstructing the passage and the man gently taps her on the shoulder and says - excuse me and her retort was - who does he think he is

A full-grown man went on social media to say that the man was wrong touching the girl and I opened my mouth in amazement.

[Video] Lecturer's response:

Imagine such Impunity, imagine the grievous bodily harm that girl inflicted on a lecturer and imagine the man's patience lifting his hands in the air knowing fully well that any attempt to defend himself would turn him into an aggressor

My friend, a top female lawyer has made it a point to always remind me that I am being misogynist in my opinions on these matters but let me ask her directly how this case would have gone if there were no cameras

Let me help her. She would have accused him of sexual abuse, or at best would have said that he made advances and because she didn't agree, he came after her to touch her with his fingers

Men are their own worst enemies. They are now very fearful and the ones who are not afraid hide under political correctness in the face of growing female tyranny

Men must now begin to learn how to defend themselves, come around each other and protect themselves within the ambits of the law and with common sense otherwise we will all be toast

The Doctor who was jailed for life and regained his freedom after two years in jail but was freed on appeal is today faced with a damaged career and Soiled reputation, though very recent information coming out shows that his accusers may have really embellished the stories and are presently answering questions with the authorities on the matter.

The Director who was accused of date raping his female colleague after a staff party and who was locked up has come out after investigations showed that the story didn't hold

Both gentlemen went thru fire and will never be the same and a lot more are going thru worse without noise

This lecturer escaped cos of the video and this is why we men must remain vigilant and very deliberate in our dealings with most women

These are dangerous times for the Nigerian man

Come and beat me

 *Duke of Shomolu*
