You know, the most painful thing about it all was when he was stoned at the University of Ibadan by irate students. I went to fight in his defence and honour.
A few months later, he struck. He annulled June 12, the freest and fairest elections ever in our history, as adjudged by onlookers.
The contradiction in it all was the fact that as a Political Science student at the time, I was carried away by his charm, his persona and all he stood for.
But sadly, in one of my theses in my third year, I had predicted that he wouldn't hand over.
My lecturers were shocked. Called me in and engaged.
I told them clearly that from the trend analysis that I had done and the mode of his engagements, both international and local, his body language didn't show that he would leave.
I scored a high 70% on that paper and was told that it was the highest anybody had scored since that course was taught at the Prestigious Political Science department of the famous University of Ibadan
After putting a dagger in our hearts, IBB started being arrogant with his explanations.
He cannot say why he did it- I could have been killed if I didn't do it amongst all sorts of inanities that he blessed us with.
One of the reasons I threw up my postulations in my famous essay was his statement that - we may not know who will succeed us, but we definitely know those who will not.
This was a clear warning to us that he would tinker with the process and engage in a wuru wuru to the answer strategy.
So it was clear that this one was just using us for a joy ride.
Months and years after, he would ridicule us in meaningless interviews and comments about the episode.
They will ask him clear questions about June 12 and he would be meandering around the place in senseless and irritating answers that beggered the question.
Now in his very old age, ravaged with the debilitating weaknesses that come with age, he is begging to speak.
Just saw a news item where he was quoted as saying that if God kept him alive, he would talk.
Can someone tell him we are no longer interested?
The time has gone, and we have more serious issues to discuss today
MKO has been rehabilitated. The Federal Government has given him the highest honour and has recognised him for what he truly is even declaring a day in honour of that sacrifice.
So what monkey talk does IBB want to come and talk?
Can someone tell him that inflation has crossed the 35% mark and that our youths are running away in droves and that is what amongst others is our major consideration and not some old story that he should be telling his grandchildren under the mango tree in his Hilltop Mansion in Minna.
IBB was a major error in our national trajectory. His June 12 debacle destroyed so many things that we are still fighting to correct today; he should just leave us to pick the pieces of our lives.
I am certainly not interested in listening to what he has to say; I don't know about you.
Thank you
Come and beat me🤣😂🤣
Duke of Shomolu👍❤️👍